
History department was started in the year 2010 with active and energetic professors as UG department.

           History is an indispensable ingredient of arts education. Knowledge of history is essential to understand who we are and where we fit in the world. In fact, as a key to understand human nature, the study of history distinguishes itself from other disciplines by the vastness of its subject matter.    


 Hence, history as a discipline is very dynamic and essential. Far from being the study of facts and dates, the study of history involves reading, understanding and interpreting the past to enable one to comprehend and understand the present and the future. The department, continued to evolve and engage in various activities to generate interest among the students to study the subject beyond theories.

Aim of the department

 To enable the students to understand the lessons from history to become humane, patriotic and reasonable for the creation of a better future.



·        To produce highly competent readers and writers of history.

·        To impart holistic education by giving preference to rural, first generation economically backward women.


Ø To enhance the chance of employability in order to make women empowered.

Ø To nurture the students to become future administrators

Ø To prepare them to be responsible citizens of India

Ø To develop a passion for learning history

Ø To strengthen social, moral and spiritual values in the students to help them to grow as responsible citizens

Ø To understand the evolution, growth and progress of a society in particular and a country in general

Ø To develop scientific temper, democratic and secular outlook

Ø To encourage field study with a view to create social awareness, appreciation and preservation of historical monuments and heritage sites

Ø To inculcate knowledge and skill to compete in all types of competitive examinations

Ø To ensure holistic development to match global competency



  • To ensure History as a subject of interest, curiosity and research
  • To create realization about the significance and relevance of History to understand our rich cultural heritage
  • To give a broad understanding on human progress in all fields

·         To realize the need of learning history for the betterment of humanity

·         To know the glorious past, to admire their achievements and to learn from their mistakes

·         To become history

·         To bring out the hidden achievements of women

·         To create new her stories

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